Your First Week of PA School

Wooohooo! It’s finally here, you are starting! You must have been so excited then you got to orientation and it became not so fun once you realized the work load.

I remember feeling that way, the first 2 days was all introductions, but by my third day of orientation I was legit terrified of the semester ahead. Do not

get me wrong I felt more determined than ever to start, but man was it scary. It is important to remember that you will be overwhelmed and it may get worse or better throughout your first semester.

Below are some tips that I highly recommend prior to your second week starting. 

1.Figure out how you need to study

There are numerous ways you can evaluate which study method is best for you. One that I really like is the VARK method. Essentially you are able to determine if you are a visual, auditory, reading/writing, or kinesthetic learner...or a mix! I am a reading/writing for sure but also do well with auditory. You can take a VARK method quiz online. Remember, what worked for you in undergraduate may not work now with the change in workload and complexity of material.

2. Time Management 

This is HUGE. Not to be dramatic, but how you manage your time the next year and a half of didactic will make or break you. You have to get into a routine and stick to it. I remember at times when the workload got so busy I would have to set timers and only spend “x” amount of time per subject to ensure I would cover all of my courses. I found this method to be very helpful. Another great way to manage your time is to get an early start to your day. Ensure you are prepared in the best way possible prior to the start of your lectures throughout the day.

3. Find your buddy

You may have studied completely alone in undergrad and that is great! I highly, HIGHLY recommend you make a friend in PA school that studies like you. You will need someone to hold you accountable, quiz you, and motivate you. I think groups up to 3 are fine but I would not exceed that. Personally, I had one buddy that I worked very well with and would not have made it through PA school without her. 

Good luck, you got this! I am proud of you. 


Lake Placid, NY


Skills to Learn Before Rotations