Relationships in PA School

I know this is a topic heavy on some of your hearts as you are starting a rigorous medical program. This was something in my personal life I will admit that I was concerned about as well.

My boyfriend Nick and I had met in undergrad and had been dating for a little over a year prior to me starting PA school. He was also preparing to move up to Buffalo, NY for a job opportunity. A long distance relationship while in PA school was definitely not something I had on my radar. However, we both decided to try and make it work and I am so thankful we did. We have been together for 5 years now, are engaged, and could not be happier.

Below are some tips you and your significant other should discuss prior to PA school:

  1. Talk about expectations

    How often will you be spending time together? Maybe you will decide to set a date night once a week, do work together, etc. This is between you and your SO about what plan is best for the two of you. “Hoping” you will “find” time though is not a great way to go about it, be intentional and set time aside. We decided that once a month to see one another was realistic. Of course, neither of us were thrilled about this arrangement, but with all the other change going on in each of our lives it was the best we could do for that moment.

  2. Set time aside to talk

    Especially if you are long distance this is important. When you are studying there is literally no way you can do so effectively if you are texting the whole time. Something that worked for me was setting aside time each night before bed to catch up about our days. This honestly became such a wonderful way to end my chaotic days I really looked forward to it.

  3. Evaluate if it is worth it

    Before you read that and freak out just hear me out. PA school is tough, I mean really, really tough. If you are with someone that will not understand that you are about to have a major shift in priorities it may make your transition more difficult.

    With that said, I have seen relationships flourish with this new adventure too. There is nothing quite like having that same person at the start and the finish line with you. Especially if they are your biggest cheerleader along the way.


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How to Study From Home