Working Out on Vacation

I absolutely love routine. I am a type A person and thrive from planning ahead and knowing my schedule for the day or the week.  I have different routines for the days I work and then days that I am off. One thing I always try to fit in, even after working twelve hours, is a workout. Of course, on days I work long shifts at the hospital I just about get in a thirty minute jog because I am so exhausted, but hey the effort is still there. However, with days off I really push myself to make it to a workout class at the gym or find a friend to go on a long hike with. 

Vacation is a time to relax. It provides a break from our day to day life and often interrupts our routine. When I am home and in my daily routine, I like to eat nutritious meals and workout about five times per week. I do this because it makes me feel strong and gives me more energy throughout the day. On vacation, I try to let myself relax and also switch up the types of workouts I do. This will vary depending on where I am traveling.

If the hotel I am staying at has a gym I will typically try to go there first thing in the morning or immediately after breakfast. I am a HUGE foodie so it is usually best for me to eat a smaller breakfast, get a workout in, and then indulge the rest of the day. At hotel gyms, I usually utilize their free weights. At home, I have a separate day for back/biceps then do chest/triceps later on in the week. While on vacation, I do a 30 minute HIIT workout utilizing all upper and lower body. I feel great after this workout and it only takes 30 minutes of my day!

If I am on vacation with lots of outdoors activities I try to avoid the gym. For example, on my vacations to the Adirondacks or Sedona I hiked every single day! You all know how I feel about hiking at this point (LOL), literally the best whole body workout there is in my opinion. Outdoor centered vacations are some of my favorites because being in these types of environments encourages you to have an active vacation while also exploring the area you are in. Some of my favorite experiences have been the hikes I have done on vacation. 

I have only been to one very nice spa for a vacation and it was an absolute dream! These types of vacations are unique and a special treat. What is great about a vacation to a spa is that the goal of the vacation is relaxation but also focusing on your wellness. Typically the food at a high end spa is nutritious and mindful; not too many waffle stations at the buffet let’s just say that. What I loved about this type of vacation was that besides a gym and outdoor activities there often a variety of fitness classes you can sign up for. This is the type of vacation I would fully take advance of all the spa has to offer. During my time at the spa I visited,  I went to at least one, sometimes two fitness classes a day and it was so much fun! 

Overall, vacation is a time to relax and reset. It is okay to break from your typical workout routine, indulge in a variety of restaurants, have a little too much wine. If you are the type of person where working out is so ingrained in your routine it reduces stress and makes you feel better; I encourage you to try some different types of workouts while you are away. In the long run, being consistent with working out while you are home is more important than anything to actually see changes and feel great. If you come off track a little while away it will not be the end of the world--just hop back into it when you are back home. 


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