Spreading Gratitude

As we enter into the holiday season now with Thanksgiving behind us, I have put a lot of thought into what gratitude means especially this year. Feeling gratitude can often be challenging if we think we are owed something, compare ourselves to others, and do not take time to slow down. Taking time to re- think how we perceive the blessings in our lives can shift our perspective. Instead of feeling entitled switch it with gratitude. Instead of jealously practice thankfulness for what you have. Of course this is easier said than done but there are some ways you can start training yourself and those around you to have a more thankful perspective. 

We cannot just do our best to try and feel gratitude, it must be expressed. By incorporating practices in daily life to express gratitude we will end up being happier and more fulfilled. Try writing three things everyday you are grateful for. Do not be generic, get specific! For example, I am thankful today that I got to go to the park with my dogs in December and it was actually warm, my coffee was extra delicious today, and I pushed myself harder in my workout. This daily practice over time will help you to start looking for the tiny details in your day to day that are truly amazing. The next time you go to say “thank you” to someone, pause and actually ask yourself how do I feel right now? Why am I saying thank you?

Gratitude is contagious. When you start to appreciate the smaller things in your day to day and verbalize it. . .others will follow suit! Especially this year, we should encourage those around us to practice gratitude daily. Complaining, toxic behavior, and gossiping are contagious BUT so is grace, happiness, and thankfulness. Let’s spread the right emotions to those around us, especially this year. When someone does something that matters to you, tell them! This can strengthen our relationships as well. Change the atmosphere in the rooms, dinner tables, and work meetings you enter. Use your words, social media, letters, find a way to take what is in your heart and put it out into the world. 


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