Home Workouts

Quarantine has got everyone missing their gyms and workout routine. HOWEVER, just because we are stuck at home does not mean that your physical well being needs to disappear. Yes, I agree it is easier to get out of your home and go somewhere else to workout or to a class with an instructor encouraging you. Staying physically fit and using workouts as an outlet in my opinion is crucial for mental health during this time. Below are some of my recent go to workouts at home.


     This is a given that the weather is now getting nicer. Get outside!! Go for a long distance run or do your own interval training. Getting a break from your home is the perfect way to divide your day . . .I know I am not the only one getting stir crazy. 


    This is great for mental health at a time like this. I enjoy doing this workout in the evening about 2 hours before bed…it allows me to relax and unwind. Yoga with Adriene is an instructor with free videos on her blog and she is beyond incredible. Yoga is also absolutely essential if you are a big runner as it allows you to stretch your lower back and hips. 


    Great calorie burners in not much time at all. I have been doing the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body workout and LOVE IT. Circuit training that is high intensity is great for your muscle building and cardiac health. I do not have weights at home but have been using everything from textbooks, wine bottles, and canned soup. Make it work girl. 


My Favorite Workout Classes


Health Benefits of Hiking