Embracing Change as the Only Constant

The sooner we accept that change is the only constant and guarantee in life, then the more content we will all be. Change is part of our every day. Whether it be a fixed change like that of season or months that go by and then start again or the type of change that alters the course of our lives–it is inevitable. I have found the more we resist change the more challenging our lives become. We resist change because we do not like to feel uncomfortable. However, life does not happen in our comfort zone–it flourishes outside of it. 

So how do we go about becoming “okay” with constant change? 

Acceptance and Flexibility 

Recognize that change is a constant and let that sink in. While change can be scary also remember that it brings opportunities to learn, meet new people, and grow on a personal level. 

Try adopting a flexible mindset. For all of you out there with a type A personality like me this can be particularly challenging. 

Your People

It is unlikely that everything in your life will change all at once. When change does occur lean on your people. This may be family, friends, a spouse, etc. Share with someone you feel safe with and ask for their support as you navigate change. Supportive networks you can lean on and learn from are crucial.

Know Yourself

Prioritize self-care during a time of change. You know the hot yoga class will make you feel better than binging late-night Netflix. Do the activities that will ease your stress and anxiety that are likely heightened during this time. Stability from within allows you to navigate anything the world throws at you and builds resilience. 

Lean In

Write down the positives of the change that is occurring in your life. Know that any struggles you may face will only build you into a stronger person. Even though overwhelming, change can also be exciting and the start of something new. This is the time to LEAN IN. Put yourself out there, try new hobbies, and say hello first. Embrace this time in your life knowing even if it does not end up how you would like, you will learn from it. If it ends up being a mistake–so what. Your mistakes are yours and yours alone to reflect on and learn from. 

Remember, adapting to change takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and allow yourself to experience the full range of emotions that comes with it. 


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