Battling Winter Blues

Winter is quickly approaching. Days are becoming colder and nights are starting earlier. With all the challenges of this past year going into a dark and cold season can seem pretty daunting. Seasonal depression is REAL. Beyond the change in season there has been an immense amount of change in the country and world this past year. Staying in tune to how YOU feel as the seasons change as well as taking steps to nurture your mind, body, and soul are key to getting through the season.

Below are ways to help battle the blues this winter as well as trying to embrace the season.

  1. Get Moving: This is number one on the list for a reason. Moving your body every day whether it is bundled up outside, yoga in your living room, or a dog walk you have to get your body moving daily. Exercise and movement work wonders at battling depression.

  2. Cook: Take this extra time inside to spice it up in the kitchen. Dining out is off the table for most of us so take some extra time in your kitchen and experiment with new recipes. Oh and of course dessert too.

  3. Nature: Yes this one does require you to bundle up but find some outdoor trails near you and go hike/walk them. If it just snowed even better! There is something uniquely beautiful about the way morning sunshine reflects off fresh snow.

  4. Learn a New Hobby: There are so many resources online to learn something knew. I recently got a subscription to Masterclass and love it! I am learning about interior design, business branding, and creative writing.

  5. Keep with a Routine: Try to sleep the same amount during the week and weekends. A solid routine that allows you to get enough sleep, but not too much will help with your internal clock. Do your best to not take naps during the day, reduce caffeine intake later in the day, and minimize blue light exposure a few hours before bed.

  6. Journal: Writing a daily journal about how you are feeling, goals, projects, future travel plans—literally anything! This can help ground you for the day ahead and feel gratitude for what you do have during colder months.

  7. Improve your Diet: Even though this is difficult with the Christmas season, do your best to limit sugar intake. During the winter season focus on increasing your intake of folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and vitamin C. Foods that contain folic acid would be leafy greens and lentils. Vitamin B12 can be found in a variety of food like meats and yogurt. Vitamin D aka the sunshine vitamin is actually low in many people. You can increase your intake of vitamin D with eggs, mushrooms, and supplementation. Of course I had to include vitamin C in here as well as it play a key role in supporting your immune system during a time when viruses are at an all time high. Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits as well as supplements.

  8. Warm drinks: The coziest part of the winter season is feeling relaxed and calm in your home. Try to take the mornings and evenings slow and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee. Mornings that I am not rushing off to work I play acoustic music, open the blinds, and enjoy something warm.

  9. Get festive: This year looks a lot different than others, but hey take it virtual! In previous years, dinner parties with friends, game night, etc were great ways to have fun during the colder months. The year 2020 has redefined how we socialize but plan a virtual zoom party with friends! Keeping in touch with loved ones during the winter can work towards elevated our mood.

  10. Staycation: In previous years I would recommend a getaway for a long weekend somewhere sunny/warm or a ski trip. With COVID causing some significant barriers for that plan a staycation with your household members instead! You can make it a spa day at home, movie marathon, get creative!

  11. Buy a House Plant: I absolutely love having indoor plants. I think that plants add so much life inside a home. There are many health benefits to having indoor plants as well! This will help brighten your winter.

  12. Bring the Light In: Light candles around your home, put up string lights, turn on your fireplace. Bring your light indoors. Candles have always done the trick for me. Go out and buy some beautifully scented candles to put them throughout your home.

  13. Get Help: If you feel that despite your best efforts the season is still getting you down recognize that there is always professional help available. There are numerous tools for battling depression and seeking resources will equip you properly so you can begin to feel better!


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