5 Lessons in My Early Twenties

My early twenties were a time of change, challenge, bliss, and lots of first experiences. With the first few years of this wonderful decade I have learned a few valuable things I hope bring value to you as well.

Time Alone is Sacred

   Learning to value time I spent with me, myself, and I has been one of the most valuable lessons I have learned. I used to always fill up my time with plans, appointments, errands, anything and everything. I now purposely try to schedule time alone once a week. Whether I spend this time running with my dog, cooking, reading–literally anything, it has become so important to me. Spending time alone builds your confidence and relationships with yourself. Spending time in solitude allows you to explore different hobbies or creative outlets which is often missed when we keep busy. Slow it down girl.

Friendships Change 

   Friendships evolving over time is completely natural, but does not mean it is not difficult. Early twenties are a time when you are leaving college and entering the real world. Life is very different out here than in college or maybe you are moving out from your hometown. I have found that friends are now balancing jobs, spouses, maybe even children making the friendship dynamic shift. Allowing friendships to change can be difficult but is important. It is also key to not hang on so tightly to relationships that are loosening their grip. With that said, be open minded to making new friends in this new stage of your life. 

FOMO is Overrated

  Fear of missing out is overrated–I PROMISE. This ties back into valuing being alone. Our crippling addiction to social media has certainly contributed to this. Instead of obsessing over how others are spending their time, work on creative outlets, relaxing, traveling—anything that expands knowledge, horizons, talents, passions, or simply brings joy. Down the road spending time on self development will beat drunken nights and late night pizza.

Big Goals Require Sacrifice

   Those big dreams that kind of scare and excite you at the same time do not come easy. They require sacrifice. Do you dream of pursuing an advanced degree? You may be giving up weekends out. Do you dream of buying your first home? You may need to budget spending more aggressively. Sacrifice is a necessary part of life to achieve big things. Not saying you have to live a miserable life to achieve things—-but understanding giving up immediate satisfaction for long term satisfaction is an important life skill. Learning this in the beginning of the decade will provide you with more self discipline and accomplishments later on.

Take Care of Yourself Now 

   Prioritizing health in your early twenties is a non negotiable. Starting to learn how to cook nutritious meals, get enough sleep, keep up with annual appointments, and move your body to feel good are crucial building blocks for a healthy life. Make choices that encourage positive behavior and habits now. Fill your body with food that fuels you, move your body to make it strong. Start to learn your family medical history and establish yourself with a primary care doc. It is finally time to let go of the pediatrician (no judgement here!!). Your future self will thank you.


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