3 Ways to Start Building Your Self Confidence

Self-confidence is a skill that takes time and lots of practice to develop. It does not happen overnight and can often be a discouraging up-and-down process. However, I encourage you to continue pushing and learning from your past mistakes to grow your confidence level. Having self-confidence sets you free and allows you to attract amazing energy from others in your life. You see, self-confidence is incredibly contagious and attracts only positive things into your life. Start adding self-confidence to part of your daily practice and just watch the amazing transformation you will undergo.

Here are some first steps to get you started . . .

1) Change Your Self Talk

The way you talk to yourself is hands down the most important barrier to developing self-confidence. If your inner dialogue is negative and constantly putting yourself down then that will become your reality. Changing this self-talk can be incredibly challenging and difficult especially since so much of it has been ingrained in us from our childhood experiences. The best way to go about changing your self-talk is to recognize it. Really start internalizing and listening to what your mind is saying to yourself. Then once you can recognize this negative self-talk—here is the incredible thing— you can change it. I challenge you to flip the script—-totally change the way you speak with yourself. If in your head you say something negative like “I’m too overweight to even begin a health and fitness journey” to “I know where I am now is not where I want to be—I am committed to change for my future self”. It takes time and practice but changing your inner dialogue is absolutely a crucial first step

2) Done Not Perfect

An issue I have personally faced with my self-confidence was the idea behind everything I put out in the world needs to be perfect. If I am being completely honest, this was a big barrier for me when I started my company and my blog. I had crippling anxiety that whatever I was putting out there in the world was not good enough and that I was not worthy of creating. The truth is, putting your thoughts and opinions out there is what matters most and what people want to hear. In your eyes, what you are working on or progressing towards may never be perfect—because let’s be honest, perfection is IMPOSSIBLE to obtain. Let me repeat that, perfection is IMPOSSIBLE to obtain. Get creative, and resilient, and put yourself out there in the world. It is better to have it done than for it to be perfect.

3) Change Your What Ifs

I think the last largest barrier to developing self-confidence is anxiety and the way it cripples our thought process. The “what if” scenario of your life is another that needs to be changed. If your “what ifs” are filled with negativity, failure, and regret then I once again will challenge you to change that dialogue. What if it all works out? What if that risk you take changes your life? What if going after your dreams and building the life you want for yourself all goes well? When you unlock the "what if potential” you grant yourself the permission to fail, but you also grant yourself the permission to SUCCEED. Can you even imagine what it would feel like to succeed in your wildest dreams and ambitions? I honestly cannot think of anything that would develop self-confidence faster.

You got this girl!


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